Part 2
Circuit description and adjastment.
The full circuit diagram appears in fig.7 .
The oscillator , based on IC1 and
switching transistor VT1 connected to DMMT.The frequency of oscillator
without feedback transformer and magnet depends of R4 , C4 and near 33 khz.R2 change the output voltage in interval of 30%.
Basically we need the working of oscillator . Replace the primary by
resistor 10 Ohm and see the frequency in oscilloscope.
Then connect the primary DMMT with feedback transformer and with R2
and moving the magnets in red arrows adjust the device in working in white
magnet noise.If that occured the voltage in the output is increased and efficiency
of transforner must be near 1.
Parts list
(all 0,25 watt , 5%) , exept R7,R8 C1 2200 mf 25 V electrolytic
R1,R3 3,9 kohm
C2 6,8 mf 25 V electrolytic
C3 150 pf cer.
R4 18 kohm *
C4,C5 2000 pf cer.
R5 15 ohm
C6 0,33 mf polyester
R6 1,5 kohm
R7,R8 0,22 ohm - 1 watt , 5% .
R2 6,8 kohm carb.lin.
IC1 UC3845N
The coil has been wound on ferrite rod(length=195mm, diameter=10mm),
The primary coil has been wound with 70 turns (2x35) of 4/10mm copper wire ,the secondary is like primary but in mirror winding.
Printed circuit board ( see fig.8) , wires , case , power supply - 0 - 15 V - 2
After serial experiments with this item
find some strange in it's operation.
This is unusually transformer.When I shut down the secondary
the current and voltage in primary is no changed !
That transformer is work in white noise with maximum KCE with
feedback transformer on ferrite magnet .And when I operate
it without of magnet transformer in frequency ~16 khz the KCE
is fall down .But when I shut down the secondary the current and voltage in primary is changed very small (1-5
The secondary winding was connected to DC rectifier with shottki diods (1N5821),capacitor
(15000 mF - 50 V)and lamp(26V - 150 mA) .
When I replace the DMMT by bifilar coil the same effect was only
in magnet noise stage.In frequency regimes the amperage in primary is raised.